Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Stylish Blogger Award

So, I haven't had time to write my Grammy-esque speech yet. I would like to thank Michelle from for giving me this award. Without her, this would not have been possible. Sniff, sniff....
Here are the rules for receiving this award:

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award

2. Share 7 things about yourself

3. Award 5 recently discovered great bloggers

4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award
7 things about moi:
1. My career dream is to get my Masters and to get Nationally Board Certified. I would love to get Teacher of the Year. That is my number one career goal.
2. I love owls, Diet Dr. Pepper, my Nook Color, Gymboree and my new Cricut.
3. My twin and "Mini Me" is my 2 1/2 year old, Madelyn. She is the perfect accessory. LOL.
4. I love Banana Republic and New York and Company.
5. I teach at the elementary school I attended as a child. My mother teaches there, as well. My husband, father and sisters all attended the school too. My mother-in-law is a retired teacher. We're all from the same school.
6. My best friend lives in NYC and takes pictures for Broadway!! Speaking of friends, I would love to meet some of my or blogging friends in real life one day.
7. I love teaching first graders but would love to teach gifted education one day. If I were to make up a dream job it would be a classroom decorator.
I have selected the following five bloggers to receive the award:

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